Thursday, October 26, 2023

Blog #3: Eight Values of Free Expression

All of the eight values of free expression stood out to me, however the one that stood out to me the most was fourth value of free expression, which is individual self fufillment (self actualization). Self-actualization is when a individual realizes who they are, their full potential, and pursue personal growth. Self fulfillment is broader in sense because it is the idea of achieving personal satisfaction which in turn could involve self actualization. Self-fulfillment can involve pursuing goals, interests, and activities that may have meaning to an individual or satisfy them. 

Self actualization is important to anyone and everyone because it gives us the ability to express ourselves freely, grow and develop, and discover our purpose as individuals within a larger society. Self actualization involves living a life that matches someone’s values and beliefs while staying true to their authentic self. The fundamental right of free speech allows people to express their thoughts and beliefs without fear of punishment. This freedom is essential for being authentic and true to ones true self, which is a prime concept of self-actualization. 

Self-actualization involves personal growth and self-discovery. Free speech gives individuals a platform to have open conversations, learn from people, and exchange ideas and thoughts. By doing this, people are able to grow and become self aware which are important for self-actuaization. 

The idea of self-fulfillment and self actualization is seen in a variety of ways in the world today. Luckily we live in a country where individuals have the right to chose what career path they wish to pursue. There is a strong emphasis on personal growth and self-discovery in the world today. People are encouraged to pursue their passions and talents as well as a lifestyle that aligns with their personal self. An example of this can be seen in any college around the country. Students are free to decide which major they to wish to pursue. Individuals then have the option to pursue a career that fits their interests and goals afterward. Also, many people today pursue education throughout their lives because they have reached points of self actualization. Another example of this can be seen through various social and cultural movements. People participate in these movements as an avenue to express their values and views of a better world. 

The butterfly in this picture sybolizes self actualization. Without free speech, the caterpillar would be unable to grow into a butterfly.

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