Thursday, November 16, 2023

Blog #7 Diffusion of Innovation


Created in 1962 by Everett Rogers, the Diffusion of Innovation Theory explains how and why certain innovations get adopted over time. The rate at which innovations are adopted can be influenced by several factors including accessibility, the social system, complexity, relative advantage, and observability. This theory can be applied to innovations as well as ideas, as Professor Smith mentioned. 

The Diffusion of Innovation Theory can be applied to the app TikTok. TikTok was created in 2016 as a reboot of the app which was created in 2014 (investopedia). However, TikTok became popular in 2018. TikTok is a social media platform where people can create and share videos. These videos can include viral trends, dances, world events, tutorials, etc. Compared to other social media platforms, TikTok has a unique recommendation algorithm that tracks how much time you spend watching each video, what you like, what you share, and what you save. TikTok then creates something called a “For You Page,” which contains videos that appeal to the user based on their usage and interests. 

When looking through the lens of Rogers's Diffusion Theory, we can identify factors that influenced the rate at which people used or adopted TikTok. The pandemic forced people to stay inside their homes. Since TikTok became popular in 2018, many people spent time using the app while being locked down in their homes or quarantined. Some people were quick to adopt this technology because it was a brand new social media platform and everyone wanted to try it. Also, since TikTok lacks complexity, people are more inclined to use it. Another factor that influenced TikTok being adoption so quickly is the social system factor. Gen Z and Gen Alpha are more inclined to use TikTok because social media plays a major role in their lives. These generations use social media to communicate and express themselves. 

When using this theory to analyze why some people are late to adopt or use TikTok, several factors come to mind. As I mentioned earlier, certain generations are more inclined to use social media for communication and expression. Gen X and The Baby Boomer Generation are not as inclined to use technology or social media to communicate or express themselves. This could be because they did not grow up using this type of technology. Some people may not see certain advantages of TikTok or find the videos entertaining or relevant. 

Some people have decided not to use TikTok at all. Reasons could include the issue of security and possible addiction. TikTok collects various types of data including behavior patterns and location information. It is believed that the Chinese government can use this information. These security concerns have caused several countries to ban the app. Authorities believe that the app could compromise national security. 

A negative consequence of the app can be the risk of addiction. TikTok is designed to be bottomless, where users are encouraged to keep scrolling through the content over an extended time period. With this negative consequence in mind, people may not want to risk using the app due to potential consequences.  

Monday, November 13, 2023

Blog #6 The Progressive Era

 I believe main stream news outlets lack antiwar voices for several different reasons. The first reason is that these opinions or viewpoints do not align with the current political narrative. Certain mainstream news outlets have government licenses (in some way funded by the government). With the threat of losing funding, certain licenses, and potential support; main stream news sources push stories that the government will support to keep funding and licenses. Main stream news sources base their stories on the preferences of the government, even if it means not painting the complete picture of what is truly going on.

The government can also enact laws and regulations that limit freedom of speech, expression, and the press. This in turn censors content that could be politically sensitive. News information suppression restricts peoples rights by undermining basic democratic ideals and the freedom to get information. It limits peoples ability to obtain a wide variety of information, which is essential for making educated decisions, participating in society, and holding governments responsible. Suppression of some viewpoints might result in a limited and skewed perception of situations and problems. The government can even resort to arresting journalists and activist who report content that goes against the status quo. With the threat of possible arrest, certain main stream media sources have to limit the views and stories they share with the public.

Main stream media outlets typically have a larger audience and more funding compared to new sources such as and The American Conservative. People often view main stream news sources as more credible and less biased. However, that is not necessarily the case. Smaller media sources that share different views are harder to find because they can face censorship which in turn limits them to a smaller audience.

It is really interesting to see how similar times are today compared to the Progressive Era where people who voiced their antiwar opinions about WWI could be persecuted or thrown in jail. While people aren’t necessarily being killed, they still face legal challenges and potential jail time if they “go against the government” and voice opinions that may not fit the political narrative. The limiting of peoples first amendment rights is still a prevalent issue today.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Privacy Online & Off


Juan Enriquez starts off this video by explaining how tattoos can tell a story without words. Juan Enriquez claims that the things we do every day, which can include using, Facebook Twitter, yelp, cell phone calls, credit cards etc. are considered “electronics tattoos.” He suggests that these tattoos live far longer than us and our immortal. This symbolizes how everything we do on the Internet will be up there forever. He also mentions that facial recognition is also an electronic tattoo, meaning that you can find out anything about a person using facial recognition. This can affect anyone because we are all active online and the things we post are permanent.

The second video explains the truth behind surveillance cameras. Catherine Crump explains that the government and police departments can use surveillance cameras to find out private information about anyone, for example, it can reveal where we go and what car we drive. Automatic plate readers are very common. They capture images of license plates of cars that drive by and put them in a database. This can be helpful to track down any car involved in suspicious activity. 

The third video is about wiretapping. He explains that our phones and network carriers are specifically wired for surveillance. This means that the government or anyone that hacks into the system, can listen in on our phone calls and conversations. Christopher Soghoian encourages us to use tools to protect our privacy. This affects me because I think it is an invasion of privacy. There is a possibility that I could be having a conversation and someone could be listening in on it.

The fourth video is about revenge porn. Darieth Chisolm opens her TedTalk with a horrifying story. She shared that she was about to give a speech to an audience when she had a missed call from her ex-husband. There was a website created that shared multiple nude photos of the speaker while she was asleep. It turns out that her ex-boyfriend created the website to get back at her for ending the relationship. What he did is known as revenge porn. There is data that one in twenty-five women are impacted as a result of revenge porn with suicide rates of 51%. Only 40 states have some type of law regarding revenge porn. We can prevent this by being aware of what we post and the amount of people that have access to it.

Blog #4 EOTO

 In 1967 Ralph Baer created the first video game console called The Brown Box. In 1972, he sold it to Magnavox, which the Brown Box was renamed to Odyssey. This video game console allowed people to play games at home. The Odyssey came with 12 games including, hockey, table tennis, haunted house, cat and mouse, and more. There were additional game cards for the Odyssey that offered other games. The Magnavox Odyssey was created mainly to entertain individuals and provide an interactive method of playing games with others. It was not created to solve any type of problem. Individuals during this time had an increasing interest in electronic entertainment. Ralph Baer took advantage of the growing interest in electronic entertainment and created the first at-home gaming system.

Video games are used by billions of people worldwide. Today, the most popular video game consoles are Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. Video games continue to impact society and the way people communicate. Video games are a major form of entertainment. Multiplayer games enable individuals to connect and communicate with each other. Individuals can create friendships through this virtual platform. They also force people to communicate about gameplay, collaborate as a team to reach certain game achievements and strategize about gameplay. Like any form of technology, video games come with negative impacts. Some negative impacts can include addiction, online harassment, and negative impacts on physical and mental health. Video games can change how people interact and perceive the world today. 

Video games have become more accessible to the public. Early video games were found in arcades and we’re limited in people's homes. As video games have evolved, they can now be played in the comfort of their own home, on their TV and computer, and now even on smartphones and tablets.

Graphics and technology have evolved significantly. Early video games lacked color and had simple 2-D graphics. The introduction of home consoles came with improved graphics and color. Video games started to include 3-D graphics in the mid-1900s, allowing people to fully immerse themselves in the game. Virtual reality (VR) technology has become very popular today. High-definition graphics emerged on the gaming systems that most people use today including PlayStation, Xbox, and PC, creating a more realistic game experience for users.

Gameplay has also changed since the introduction of the first video game. Initially, games were simple and didn’t need much strategy to play them. Games included Pac-Man and table tennis. As technology advanced over the years, video games have incorporated more styles and involve more strategies. This allows for a more immersive gaming experience and players now communicate with each other (chat or by headset) to reach certain game objectives.

Today’s culture has significantly been impacted by video games. People can now play and connect with people in other countries. Gaming has also become incredibly competitive. This has led to esports and video game tournaments. We now see professional gamers who make a living by live streaming the gaming experience, create content, and participate in virtual forums that discuss gameplay. Video gaming has become so popular that even some colleges offer degrees in video game design.

Final Blog Post: My Relationship With Technology

Most of the world today is glued to their phone with an unhealthy relationship with technology. However, I believe that I have a healthy rel...