Monday, November 13, 2023

Blog #6 The Progressive Era

 I believe main stream news outlets lack antiwar voices for several different reasons. The first reason is that these opinions or viewpoints do not align with the current political narrative. Certain mainstream news outlets have government licenses (in some way funded by the government). With the threat of losing funding, certain licenses, and potential support; main stream news sources push stories that the government will support to keep funding and licenses. Main stream news sources base their stories on the preferences of the government, even if it means not painting the complete picture of what is truly going on.

The government can also enact laws and regulations that limit freedom of speech, expression, and the press. This in turn censors content that could be politically sensitive. News information suppression restricts peoples rights by undermining basic democratic ideals and the freedom to get information. It limits peoples ability to obtain a wide variety of information, which is essential for making educated decisions, participating in society, and holding governments responsible. Suppression of some viewpoints might result in a limited and skewed perception of situations and problems. The government can even resort to arresting journalists and activist who report content that goes against the status quo. With the threat of possible arrest, certain main stream media sources have to limit the views and stories they share with the public.

Main stream media outlets typically have a larger audience and more funding compared to new sources such as and The American Conservative. People often view main stream news sources as more credible and less biased. However, that is not necessarily the case. Smaller media sources that share different views are harder to find because they can face censorship which in turn limits them to a smaller audience.

It is really interesting to see how similar times are today compared to the Progressive Era where people who voiced their antiwar opinions about WWI could be persecuted or thrown in jail. While people aren’t necessarily being killed, they still face legal challenges and potential jail time if they “go against the government” and voice opinions that may not fit the political narrative. The limiting of peoples first amendment rights is still a prevalent issue today.

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