Sunday, October 22, 2023

Blog #1: Top Five News Sources

With technology on the rise in today’s society, people have access to different avenues to receive news and information. Many people today use social media to communicate with friends and family, general entertainment, and to share news and information with their friends. To prevent only receiving misinformation or biased information, people should utilize multiple ways to receive news and information. 

Below you will find my top five news sources (in no particular order): 

#1. Instagram 

As a young adult in today's generation, social media plays a major role in our lives. I use Instagram as a form of entertainment and to keep up with my friend’s lives. I typically come across posts on my feed of current events, whether it be sports, politics, music, and artists. This platform should not be the sole source for information. This is a great starting point for individuals to see what may be going on in the world today. People should continue to research current events further to get more information. 

#2. Tiktok

Tiktok, another form of social media, is widely used app that people are using today for entertainment.  While not the most credible source, one could often find videos of current events throughout their For You Page. For example, in June my For You page was taken over by videos concerning the Oceangate incident. There were videos discussing possible conspiracy theories and predictions on future outcomes. From that point on, I was hooked on Tiktok. I noticed several “fake” videos on the topic as well. Similar to Instagram, Tiktok should not be someone’s main source of news information. People should do additional research using credible sources. 

#3 Word of Mouth 

I try my best to surround myself around people with diverse viewpoints. I feel that this is a great way to educate myself on topics that I may not know a lot about. Even if it is something I do not necessarily agree, I enjoy listening to other people talk about their opinions and sharing their insights on what may be going on in the world during that given day and time. Word of Mouth allows you to see into other people’s perspective. However, it doesn’t guarantee that all information that is told during any said conversation is factual. It is up to the individual to do adititonal research on the topic or news that is being shared. 

#4 TV News Networks

All throughout my life, when I would come into the kitchen, whether it be a breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a snack, I would find the TV to be playing some type of news network. My parents watch a variety of news networks for information. This is important because most news networks are politically biassed in some fashion, and information isnt always how it is portrayed within that particular news network. Some examples of some news networks include Fox News, CNN, WXII (Local News), and MSNBC. 

#5 New York Times

every day during my free time, I get on my phone and play Wordle which is on the NY Times website. After completing a game, I will scroll through and browse the different news categories and skim articles that I find interesting. I find that this is a great method to keep up with things that are going on around the world.

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