Thursday, December 7, 2023

Age Of Artificial Intelligence

 The documentary begins with Lee Sodol, the world champion of the worlds most complex game, Go, prepare to play against artificial intelligence. The AI, known as Alpha Go, was developed by Google. Similar to the networks in the human brain, Alpha Go was able to educate itself the game's rules and became experienced. Lee Sedol was eliminated from the game after Alpha Go discovered moves that no human had ever considered, which proves that AI is far more advanced than we think.

Before watching the video, I already had my fears and opinions about artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence has powers that us, humans do not hold. There is no doubt that AI is taking over the world. What I didn’t know was that AI has already begun to replace human labor because it reduces the need for employers to pay taxes for labor performed by robots. This is scary because AI will be much more advanced by the time I graduate from college and start up my career. I also fear for the future, as many college students are using ChatGPT for answers. Why should I Trust a doctor who cheated online for answers?

Many companies are taking advantage of AI. For example, Facebook wanted to see if they could influence world behavior through online messaging. Their goal was to get more people to vote in the polls. As a result, Facebook induced 3,040 voters in the 2010 midterm election. 

Harvard professor, Shoshana Zuboff explains that social media is using us and tracking what we do. The video shares that Google used AI to track the way we use the internet. In the early 2000s, Google’s investors were pressuring them to make more money, and their company was in danger, they needed a way to save the company. They made their browsers make digital traces, also known as “digital exhausts” of our behavior to track us. They would use these trackers to predict our interests and future actions online. This proves that with such little data, AI can determine anything and everything about us, humans.

I think it's incredible that we've come so far in the world to discover AI. But I believe we should stick to the present for now. I recently watched this video that I think should be shared around the world, as I do not believe enough people have seen it. The video that I have linked is a great example of one of the many powers that AI holds. 

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